Pumpkin Organics, winner of SVE Entrepreneur’s Choice Award in SVE Demo Global 2020, is redefining baby food based on the nutritional science of the First 1,000 Days.

They are on a mission to change the way we feed our kids, and to contribute to a healthy, happy and high-performing next generation around the world.

Pumpkin Organics, helping to train tiny taste buds for a lifetime of healthy eating.

Midwives and doctors agree: ‘What babies eat early in life will influence their food preferences later in life‘​. Thus, the ‘first thousand days‘​ have a major impact on the future eating habits, health and quality of life of babies, as they can learn taste and food cravings. Science calls this phenomenon ‘metabolic imprinting‘​.

Therefore, would it not be smart to teach babies healthy eating habits from an early age, i.e. more vegetables and less sugar?

Good taste is not a coincidence, it is learnable.

We are parents who want to help other parents to support the development of their babies. So, we created Smart Food for Super Babies. All babies are super:) And our smart food – our recipes veggies-centric, 100% organic and with nothing extra – no added sugars, salt, preservatives or additives.

Discover more delicious food for babies at www.pumpkin-organics.com.